The area sur­round­ing the Hopfen­markt and Niko­lai Church was orig­i­nal­ly found­ed as Neustadt (or ‚new town‘) by Count Adolf III. in the 12th cen­tu­ry, but is part of Hamburg‘s Alt­stadt (or ‚old town‘) dis­trict today. The Hopfen­markt became the most impor- tant mar­ket in town dur­ing the 13th cen­tu­ry, boas-ting up to 900 stalls in its hey­day. It was par­tic­u­lar­ly impor­tant for beer brew­ers, who bought their hops here. How­ev­er, the destruc­tion brought about by World War II changed the urban land­scape in Hamburg‘s old­est part sig­nif­i­cant­ly. Between 1958 and 1963, the broad street cut­ting from east to west known as Willy-Brandt-Strasse and Lud­wig-Erhard-Strasse today was con­struct­ed, sev­er­ing direct con­nec­tions to the neigh­bour­hoods south of the new road. This large­ly dis­rupt­ed the qual­i­ty of stay in these parts of town. The City of Ham­burg has now decid­ed to rein­vig­o­rate the area. The new build­ing on Willy-Brandt-Strasse 69 is to be part of this plan, act­ing as a hinge con­nect­ing past and present, link­ing City and Spe­ich­er­stadt. The Hopfen­markt in front of Niko­laikirche is an essen­tial part of this renew­al. It can now be reached via a ground-lev­el cross­ing of Willy-Brandt-Strasse, at the height of the new build­ing. The for­mer cross­ing via the Cre­mon­brücke pedes­tri­an bridge was pulled down to make way for new build­ings, so that the Tichel­haus can be part of the revival of the neigh­bour­hood as a live­ly place with great qual­i­ty of stay.

At the time it was built, the Hopfen­markt was the main square in the medieval Neustadt district.


Experiencing the Nikolai Quarter

Europe‘s largest busi­ness improve­ment dis­trict (BID) in the Niko­lai Quar­ter cov­ers an area as large as about 17 foot­ball fields. The Tichel­haus ben­e­fits from the exten­sive mea­sures tak­en across the dis­trict: Pave­ments and street furni- ture have been renewed, some pedes­tri­an zones were extend­ed and resur­faced, and trees were plant­ed along the streets as a first step towards giv­ing passers-by, res­i­dents and peo­ple work­ing in the City a new expe­ri­ence of this part of Hamburg.

The Niko­lai Quar­ter, nes­tled between Rathaus­platz and Alster­fleet, Röd­ings­markt, Willy-Brandt-Strasse and Niko­lai­fleet is the cra­dle of the Free and Hanseat­ic City of Hamburg.


The Tichel­haus boasts great pub­lic trans­port con­nec­tions. The near­est sub­way sta­tion, where sub­way line U3 stops, ‚Röd­ings­markt‘, is locat­ed about 300 metres to the west. A num­ber of bus stops and the ‚Stadthaus-brücke‘ region­al train (S‑Bahn) sta­tion are equal­ly near­by. It takes only 8 min­utes to reach Ham­burg main sta­tion by car, and no more than 20 min­utes on foot. The town hall (Rathaus) and Ham­burg City dis­trict are the same dis­tance as the Spe­ich­er­stadt and Hafenci­ty dis­tricts: a nine-minute walk away.

01Tichel­haus – Willy-Brandt-Strasse 69 
02St. Niko­lai Memorial
04Röd­ings­markt sub­way station 3 min
05Town Hall & Cham­ber of Commerce 6 min
06Rathaus­markt 6 min
07Dom­platz9 min
08Church of Saint Peter (‚Petrikirche‘) 11 min
09Jungfern­stieg11 min
10Bin­nenal­ster11 min
11Neuer Wall7 min
12Baumwall sub­way station 9 min
13Elbphil­har­monie12 min
14Michel­wiese10 min
15St. Michael‘s Church (‚Michel‘) 10 min
16Cen­tral Station 8 min
17Mess­berg sub­way station 9 min